Dynamic Allocator Misuse (Module B)

Dynamic Allocator Misuse (Module B)

Note: Most of the below information is summarized from Dr. Yan Shoshitaishvili’s pwn.college lectures from the “Memory Errors” module. Much credit goes to Yan’s expertise! Please check out the pwn.college resources and challenges in the sources

Dynamic Allocator Misuse (Module B)

Table of Contents

The Heap

Types of Memory

  • ELF .text: Where the code lives
  • ELF .plt: Where the library function stubs live
  • ELF .got: Where pointers to imported symbols live
  • ELF .bss: Used for uninitialized global writable data
    • Example: global arrays without initial values
  • ELF .data: Use for pre-initialized global writable data
    • Example: global arrays with initial values
  • ELF .rodata: Yse for global read-only data
    • Example: string constants
  • Stack: Local variables, temporary storage, call stack metadata
  • Heap: Place to store long-lived dynamic memory
    • Example: variable-length list

How the Heap Works

  • The heap works by initially allocating a large chunk of memory space, but only supplying smaller parts of that space to a program as needed
  • It is implemented by ptmalloc/glibc (and analogues) and uses the following main functions (not an exhaustive list):
    • malloc(): allocate some memory
    • free(): free a prior allocated chunk
    • realloc(): change the size of an allocation
    • calloc(): allocate and zero-out memory

The Data Segment

  • Historical oddity from segmented memory spaces
  • With ASLR, placed randomly into memory near the PIE base
  • Starts with a size of 0
  • managed by the brk and sbrk system calls
    • sbrk(NULL): returns the end of the data segment
    • sbrek(delta): expands the end of the data segment by delta bytes
    • brk(addr): expands the end of the data segment to addr
  • This process is managed just like mmap()
  • ptmalloc slices off bits of the data segment for small allocations, and uses mmap() for large allocations

Dangers of the Heap

Why is the heap vulnerable:

  1. Used by imperfect human programmers
    • forget to free memory
      • leads to resource exhaustion
    • forget all the spots where pointers to data are stored
    • forget what’s been freed
      • using free memory
      • freeing free memory
    • corrupting metadata used by the allocator to keep track of heap state
      • conceptually similar to corruption internal function state on the stack
  2. A library that strived for performance
    • allocation and deallocation needs to be fast, or programs will slow down
    • optimizations often leave security as an afterthought

Double Freeing

  • Pointers to an allocation remain valid after free()ing the allocation, and are sometimes free()d again
  • New versions of glibc/ptmallloc introduced the key check
    • If key is overwritten, then the heap can be abused

Thread Local Caching (tcache)

  • tcache in ptmalloc is used to speed up repeated (small) allocations in a single thread
    • A caching layer with very few security checks
  • Implemented as a singly-linked list, with each thread having a list header for different-sized allocations

What Happens on free()

  1. Select the right “bin” based on the size
  2. Check to make sure the entry hasn’t already been freed (double-free)
  3. Push the freed allocation to the front of the list
  4. Record the tcache_perthread_struct associated with the freed allocation (for checking against double-frees)

What Happens on Allocation

  1. Select the bin number based on the requested size
  2. Check the appropriate cache for available entries
  3. Reuse the allocation in the front of the list if available

Things NOT done:

  • clearing all sensitive pointers (only key is cleared)
  • checking if the next (return[0]) address makes sense

Metadata and Chunks

  • ptmalloc uses lots of metadata to track its operation and is kept in:
    • Global metadata (the tcache structure)
    • Per-chunk metadata
      • A “chunk” is what malloc() is actually tracking, and the address seen by programmers is just the usable memory AFTER the headers in the chunk


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