s0merset7's Blog

Hack the Box Walkthroughs Intro

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Hello and welcome to my walkthroughs for Hack the Box (HTB). I’ve challenged myself with completing 50 HTB machines to learn hacking tools and skills that will prepare me for a career in the field. Being that I am a beginner at the time of writing this, I won’t be able to solve any machine without guidance at first, so my plan is as follows:

  1. The first 10 machines I will do with the help of other write-ups and tutorials (I will attach links to any resources I use at the bottom of each of my walkthroughs). The goal here is to learn the basic tools and skills used in pentesting.
  2. The next 15 machines I will attempt to with as little help from other tutorials and write-ups. I will have them open and available but use them only as clues for what I should research to get to the next step. The goal here is to practice problem solving and methodology without direct guidance.
  3. The final 25 machines I will attempt to do without tutorials or write-ups, giving me a more realistic feel for how field tests may be.

Table of Contents


  • Set Up
  • Disclaimer

Machine Walkthroughs:

  1. Lame Walkthrough
  2. Jerry Walkthrough

Set Up

I will be using Kali Linux and many of its tools to complete the machines. Unless you want to dual boot or reset the OS of your computer, I would recommend following these instructions to set it up on your own device. (It’s totally free and has plenty of documentation if you come across an issue that isn’t in that link)

I will also be using many of the tools in Kali Linux to complete the boxes. I will make sure to mention any programs or software that I use in my write-ups. To find any of them in Kali Linux, go to the Applications tab on the top left of the window and there will be a dropdown of all of the tools and programs it offers. For some extra hep on setup and personalization of your Kali Linux machine, check out this post

For Hack the Box, you will need to subscribe as a VIP member (its about $13 a month) and with it you will have access to all the retired boxes as well as a bunch of other features I’m still exploring. After signing up, it was a bit confusing for me to set up the VPN to be able to access the challenges, so this website will show you how to set up the VPN to access the challenges (you’ll have to figure out how to get an invite code yourself ;) )


As I’ve said, I am a beginner, and as such there is a very good chance I will explain things wrong or take a longer roundabout way than is necessary. As I learn more, I will do my best to go back and edit any past mistakes. If you catch anything or have a better method, feel free to contact me and let me know!
